We arrived in Bellingham after nightfall and with know idea where Jack lived. So we pulled into a holiday Inn, to use their internet to understand exactly how lost we were. It turned out we were less than 5 minutes drive from the house!
We pulled into the driveway puttering and tired, the van was to. Beth and Jack welcomed us in in with a warm blanket and some food. We talked for a while updating them on our rolling adventure before sleep overtook us happy and comfortable for the space we dreamt.
The next morning we worked on our blog and caught up with the outside world, the opportunity kept the netfiend in each of us grinning. Slowly the day took shape and Ivan need tending to, cleaning, repacking and relieving him of old baggage from an owner long past. The clear out gave us allot of free space and a much nicer feel to carriage compartment which was paramount for our peacefulness in long hauls of highway. Jack made us some delicious Burritos before we said our goodbyes and headed to Seattle where a friend a city and Jimmy Hendrix awaited us.