Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Stubacca drifts downunder.

Stubacca said his goodbyes today, heading back to his sand box known as Tasmania, it was good having him for our first week of road tripping shenanigans. Tofino wouldn't have been the same without him, and we wish him the best for the future. Ivanlegend is somewhat more spacious and as it putters on down the salty road, the crew can't help but ponder on the departure of one fellow tribesman (stu) and the loss of another (AI).

Arrival in Washington and all things America greeted our shining headlights this evening, following an emotional roller-coaster day of drained batteries, dead alternators and auto-shops. Kicking off the american leg of our endeavor with Sonics' Drive thru, stomach beater burgers; we regretted every bite as we hurried along to a blanket and a roof that awaited us in Bellingham.

New and amazing things seem to happen everyday, the new alternator has made night driving less of a nightmare, with the instigation of headlights that actually work. 

"A van is safe in the garage but that's not what Van's are for"


There are no real goodbyes, not between friends.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

R.I.P Andy Irons

One of the worlds greatest surfers died today. Andy Irons from Maui died today, Nov 2nd in Dallas Texas... :(

Andy Irons, was an incredible waterman, who will be missed by the seas and it's people.
We've lost a great warrior today, one of our own. RIP 


Halloween in Victoria, was a colourful scene. As always, Eli and I tried to bring some surf culture by representing Dahui; while Jenbrown pyro'd the only female firewomen among a male team. And Stubacca Morphed into a hippy then back into a Morph...
Bewildering? The house the next morning told it's own story.


Two days before Haloween we headed off to a party at Jen's friend's house. Dressed as....
Eli- baby
Tyler - Pirate
Jen- Cougar
Stubacca - Camo man

there was  much cheer and beer....pong

worst part about surfing in tofino

Eli had an awful wet suit rash, so we taped it to keep it from getting worse. hurt coming off tho


Tired at a Cafe

Long Beach Tofino

we Named this break B.C.Mokes  because there where two islands that looked like Lanikai's Mokoluas

still lookin

Second day, looking for surf

first days surf

On the first day we surfed a break we found at south Chesterman's bay, we named it virgins, because it had been so long since we had surfed it was like copulation for the first time.